Thursday, June 13, 2013

Male Khmer Singers of the Past

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ស៊ីន-ស៊ីសាមុត / Sinn Sisamouth
"King of Khmer Music"

Born: 1935 Stung Treng
Died: November 1, 1975 Koh Thom district, Kandal Province
Earlier Work: Champa Battambang, Sloek Cher Jak Mek
Accomplishments:  Recorded thousands of songs over 2 decades of career span. Over 1200+ songs is known to still exist today.

Born: ?
Married: 1983-1995 to Sieng Vanthy
Died: 1995 (liver disease)
Earlier Work:  Wrote and released 2 full albums in the early 1970's.
The last album was released in 1975.  He wrote and sang a few songs, including Reatrey, later in his career in the 1980s and 1990s.

អ៊ឹម-សុងសឺម / Im Song Soeum
Born: 1943?. Khom Kompong Preas, Srok Songkae Battambang
Died: March 16, 1972  at home at age 29 due to cancer.
Notable Work: Romdoul Krojes, Chnum Mhon, Komlos Kromom Huer Ha, Jum Merl Te Plov (w/ Huoy Meas), Kmao Euy Kmao.

យិន-ឌីកាន / Yin Dikan
Born: ?
Died: End 1980?
Notable Work: Best known as a song writer/composer. Released two albums under his direction. "Bachelor with a Red Car" and "Golden Flower Love" album series both recorded in 1975.
Notable Songs:  Phoum Preas Mlop (w/ Huoy Meas), Stoeung Romeas, Ream Keng Min Louk Sos, Sombot Mdech Et Klemsa?, Prab Moke Jos, Ngo Nghim Ngo Nghim
សុះ-ម៉ាត់ / Sos Math
Born: ?
Died: 1975

ជា-សាវឿន / Chea Savoeun 
Born: ? 
Died: 1975
Notable Songs: Veal Srae 100, Muy Phon Muy KbotCheam Anatha, Pailin Knom Euy,  Kromom Pailin,   Somphos Barey Joulong


អ៊ិន-យ៉េង / In Yeng
Born: ?
Died: 1975
Notable Songs: Sneah Ruer Min Sneah, Jum Te Oun Mok, Bong Der Mout Prek, Kon Thrate Meas Bong, Krovay Krovoe Ksae Krovat, Oh! Prey Sgat, Bopha Odong, Romdoul Jak Thoung

អ៊ឹង-ណារី / Eng Nary
Born: ? 
Died: 1975
Notable Songs: Sronos Pleang, Vimean Tik Pnek, Kom Kous Thropoeung Ta, Sophany, Jum Muy Reatrey, Srey Chet Sava, Dan Jerng Anusavory, Leap Jongrai, Bopha Bangkok, Koun Aphop Nas


ជុំ-កែវ / Chum Kem
Born: ?
Married: Meo Montha (Actress/Singer)
Died: 1975
Background:  Born in Cambodia but educated in Italy. Had a record with Barclay  in Italian. Introduced Twist to Khmer music.
Notable Songs: Twist! Twist! Knom, Krue Bonghut Lek Muy


មាស-ហុកសេង / Meas Hok Seng
Born: ?
Died: 1975
Notable Songs: Kromom India, Joub Knear Nov Ptas Pate, Lo Lok Ngy Chmoul, Veal Thom, Bong Srolanh Oun Mhon Ke, Kom Srolanh Ke Na Oun

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Khmer Famous Song Writers

គង្គ-ប៊ុនឈឿន / Kong Bun Chhoeun


ឣ៊ុក-ស៊ីណារ៉េត / Ouk Sinareth 
Born: ?
Married: 1983-1995 to Sieng Vanthy
Died: 1995 (liver disease)
Earlier Work:  Wrote and released 2 full albums in the early 1970's.
The last album was released in 1975.  He wrote and sang a few songs, including Reatrey, later in his career in the 1980s and 1990s.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Female Khmer Singers of the Past





